shadowrocket 安卓
shadowrocket 安卓
shadowrocket 安卓
SparkMap uses location-specific data to create maps, assessments, and reports that are used by businesses, nonprofits, governments, researchers, and communities to inform and transform their work. Use our collection of over 25,000 data sets for free for as long as you wish (no registration required) or subscribe to unlock advanced features and save your library of work.
shadowrocket 安卓

SparkMap Reports can help you create complex assessments in just a few clicks.
- Quick three-step process to create a robust assessment of one or more counties
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- Easy-to-understand data visualizations
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Try the SparkMap Report

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SparkMap helps you prioritize issues, identify gaps, and support data-informed decision making.
- Straightforward dials and charts help with issue prioritization
- Easy-to-understand colors show if indicators are meeting state benchmarks
- Powerful query tools, data export capability, and annotation functions
- Use SparkMap data to dive deeper into understanding the history, prevalence, and current status of an issue
View our Products
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Enhance and validate your story with SparkMap data.
- Visualizations export as image files, PDFs, or Word Documents for flexible use
- User-friendly Map Room and Starter Map library
- One-on-one support and self-guided materials available
- Save time and money by using SparkMap - all the data you need, all in one place
Try the SparkMap Map Room

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shadowrocket 安卓

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shadowrocket 安卓

Group ZIP codes or other standard geographies, specify a radius, or draw an area to create a customized assessment
*some calculation limitations apply
shadowrocket 安卓

Integrate data in CSV, KML/KMZ, or shapefiles formats into the Map Room
Map Editing Tools

Measure distance, draw points, hide surroundings, and manage map layers with a simple drag and drop interface
e.g. Change in Total Population
e.g. Households Living Below the Poverty Level, Percent by County, ACS 2014-18
SparkMap is used to support healthcare and health systems.
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- Healthcare consultants
- Community benefit professionals
- Hospital systems
- Doctors and nurses
- Health data analysts
- Healthcare associations
- Public health professionals
- Federally qualified health centers
- Public health faculty
- Other health related organizations
SparkMap provides professionals working in communities, nonprofits, and government with the tools they need.
Some of our subscribers include:
- Economic development groups
- Nonprofit organizations
- Grant writers and consultants
- Evaluators
- Government agencies
- Community development professionals
- Community development finance institutions
- Food banks
- United Way agencies
- Philanthropies
- Social entrepreneurs
- Teachers
Many of our business-minded subscribers come to us from:
- Financial services
- Mortgage lenders
- Farmers and ranchers
- Commercial property and real estate agents
- Broadband and internet service providers
- Entrepreneurs
- City governments
- Environmental engineers
- Agriculture associations